Sejarah Fakultas
Initially, the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University was named the Tourism Science Study Program (PSIK) at Udayana University. PSIK was established based on the Rector's Decree of Udayana University Number 326/PT.17/I.01.12/1985 dated May 1, 1985. This date was later designated as the faculty’s anniversary and as the founding day of the Faculty of Tourism Family Body (currently known as the Faculty of Tourism).
Over time, PSIK underwent a status change from a Bachelor's Degree Program in Tourism Science to a Diploma 4 Tourism Study Program under the Faculty of Letters, as per the Higher Education Decree Number 68/DIKTI/Kep/1988 dated November 2, 1988. Subsequently, Higher Education Decree Number 67/Kep/1989 dated July 22, 1989, established the Diploma 4 Tourism Study Program as an inter-faculty program at Udayana University.
In its early operational stages, PSIK was led by a Head of Study Program assisted by Deputy Heads I, II, and III. The first Head of PSIK and its founding father was Prof. Drs. Ida Bagus Adnyana Manuaba. To prepare academically strong, professional, skilled, and competitive human resources in the tourism field, Udayana University launched the Regular Diploma 4 Tourism Program through Decree Number 67/Dikti/Kep./1989 and a Parallel Program through Rector’s Decree Number 2442/J14/HK.01.23/1998. Graduates from both the Regular and Parallel Diploma 4 Tourism Programs were entitled to the Applied Bachelor of Tourism degree (S.Tr.Par), as stipulated by Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2012 on the Indonesian Qualification Framework (KKNI) and followed up by Circular Letter No. 888/E.E3/MI/2014.
The rapid dynamics of the tourism industry necessitated the preparation of human resources proficient in both academic and vocational domains. The recognition of tourism as an independent discipline led to the establishment of the Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) through Higher Education Decree Number 2425/D/T/2008 dated July 29, 2008, and Rector’s Decree Number 347A/H14/HK/2008 dated September 27, 2008, which formally founded the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University.
Currently, the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University offers three study programs:
- Diploma 4 Tourism Program
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Tourism Destination Management
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Travel Industry Management
Graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree (S1) programs are entitled to the Bachelor of Tourism degree (S.Par).
With the issuance of the Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation Number 30 of 2016 on the Organizational Governance of Udayana University, dated April 22, 2016, there was a transfer of monodisciplinary study program management from the postgraduate level to respective faculties. Based on this regulation, the management of the Master's Degree (S2) in Tourism Studies and the Doctoral Degree (S3) in Tourism was transferred from Udayana University's Postgraduate Program to the Faculty of Tourism.
Currently, the Faculty of Tourism offers diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate study programs and includes international programs.