Management of Change
I. Formation of the Working Team
A. The work unit at the Faculty of Tourism has established a special team to address and expedite the development of the Integrity Zone. As part of this commitment, a Decree on the Integrity Zone of the Faculty of Tourism has been issued, providing the legal basis and guidelines for implementing various activities and initiatives aimed at enhancing integrity and transparency within the faculty. [See details]
B. The selection of members for the Integrity Zone Team at the Faculty of Tourism is conducted through clear and transparent procedures and mechanisms, established in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) by the faculty's deanship. [Decree on Integrity Zone Team Selection Procedures] [SOP on Integrity Zone Team Selection, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University]
II. Integrity Zone Development Plan
A. A comprehensive work plan document for the Integrity Zone development at the Faculty of Tourism has been prepared, aiming for the achievement of a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM). [Integrity Zone Roadmap, Faculty of Tourism] [Integrity Zone Work Plan, Faculty of Tourism]
B. The Integrity Zone development document at the Faculty of Tourism contains established priority targets designed to support the achievement of a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM). [Target Outcomes for Integrity Zone, Faculty of Tourism]
C. To promote the development of the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and the Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM), the Faculty of Tourism has implemented various communication mechanisms and media. [Benchmarking Evidence to UB] [Integrity Zone Monitoring Team] [Faculty Monitoring Invitation]
III. Monitoring and Evaluation of WBK/WBBM Development
A. To date, most activities related to the Integrity Zone development at the Faculty of Tourism have been carried out in accordance with the monitoring and evaluation processes established in the work plan document.
B. The results of the monitoring and evaluation of the Integrity Zone development at the Faculty of Tourism have been systematically followed up. [Benchmarking Evidence to UB] [Integrity Zone Monitoring Team] [Faculty Monitoring Invitation]
IV. Transformation of Mindset and Work Culture
A. Leaders at the Faculty of Tourism play a critical role as role models in implementing the development of the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and the Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM). [Integrity Pact for Integrity Zone, Faculty of Tourism] [Leadership Commitment for Internationalization]
B. Change agents have been appointed at the Faculty of Tourism, playing an important role in driving and implementing positive changes within the faculty. [Official Faculty WhatsApp Group] [Decree on Change Agents Team] [English Friday Innovation] [Academic Innovation: Paperless Initiative at Faculty of Tourism]
C. In the effort to establish the Integrity Zone, the Faculty of Tourism has successfully fostered a supportive work culture and mindset within its organization. As part of this initiative, the tagline "Pas Di Hati" has been introduced to embody the essence of these efforts. [Work Culture, Faculty of Tourism]
D. Most members of the academic community at the Faculty of Tourism have been actively involved in the Integrity Zone development process toward achieving the status of a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM). [Integrity Zone Report, WBK, Faculty of Tourism, 2023] [Udayana University Public Service Standards Decree (Final)]